Yahchanan.com Book of Love  
Welcome to Yahchanan.com


Welcome to my search for the real universe. It's funny how we all live in the same universe, yet we all live in our own little worlds. Or maybe it's really not funny at all. Why don't we recognize the real universe? Since we all live in the same place, why do we all have different explanations for it? If you are willing to read my own words regarding all of this, please be sure to start with: "Creation or Evolution?", and then click the "Next Chapter" link at the bottom of each page.

Please realize I did not write all of this stuff to convince you -- I wrote it to convince me! I know everyone in the world will not agree with everything I say. It does not matter to me if you believe what I say. I just want you to understand. If you are a seeker you will have familiarity with what I'm saying, and you will soon run across the rest of it. If I am wrong about some thing or other you can help me.

What happened is that I was creating a bunch of hodge-podge documents for myself as I slowly studied. Since I understand what they all mean, and the justification behind each statement, if any, it was not written for public consumption. Yet, suddenly I found myself jamming it all together into this website. I was learning to make websites for a living, and I needed the practice. So please forgive me for my writing style, and the lack of citations, and everything else you can find to complain about. I hope to smooth this all out someday, if I have the time. Right now this is just a place for me to collect evidence. I do not contend that every single thing I wrote is exactly correct - it is correct as far as I know, but everything is subject to more knowledge. The purpose of this website is to have a place where I can gather and sift knowledge, and have a decent version of scriptures to read.

And who am I? I am just a human being. I am no prophet or preacher. I do not have any divine knowledge or guidance (that I know of). My own knowledge of the scriptures is lacking in many places. I am certainly no expert. I have never been "born again". Yes, if I die now I expect to go to hell for my sins. I am just a sorry sap who learned of the huge difference between christianity and the scriptures, and realized that if this stuff is true, it is mighty important to me. So I am trying to find out what is what.

I was born and raised in a catholic environment - relatives, church, school, and home. I rejected catholicism based on first-hand knowledge after being an altar-boy in the church, and going to their school. I then went and studied many other christian religions. I even learned about Eastern Mysticism and so forth. I rejected all of it. Later I believed the universe came here through the big bang/evolution scenario - after all, that is what the catholic school taught me in the sixties. But when studying science I realized it can't be true. So back to creation I am looking, kicking and screaming.

Nowadays I live in California, USA. By now I am pretty old, sixty. I am a caucasian. My ancestors are from both sides of the big Wars. My dad is Irish, Scottish, Welch, and English. My Mom is German. The war is in me! Satan is against me. Maybe that is part of why I have had dozens of near-death experiences and occurances. But the Universe has not allowed me to die.

One of the reasons I created this site is because I WANT someone to prove to me that we got here by evolution! Does that sound strange? I would prefer to believe in evolution. I do not want to be judged! But as I learn facts, evolution gets farther and farther from possibility. If you believe you have some proof (as opposed to ranting and raving), please go to my Contact page and explain it to me. Part of why I do this in public is so that someone can correct any errors I have. Thank you!

What I have here is not an 'officialy authorized' version of the scriptures. It is not authorized by any religions, christians, Jews, or even by me. And I am certain that Yahwah would rather see some things fixed, as well. The best version is the Hebrew original, which no longer exists, and I only read English. I removed what I believe are evil names and titles of Yahwah and Yahushua, and I replaced them with what seems to be correct and original. Many of the names of the prophets and other people and places in the book still have the Roman versions, and I need to correct that.

It is important to realize that I changed names and wordings to suit myself. I am simply trying to restore the words to what they were, and what they should be. That makes it easier to find reality. I do not contend that anything I did is strictly correct. I most probably made significant mistakes in my ignorance and my zeal to remove christianity from the scriptures. I have a page showing many of the changes I made; it is in the purple menu under Yahchanan>Links>Hebrew to English.

There are places where I use the correct English-letter name of a person or place (a name which includes Yahwah's Name) and then in [square brackets] I give the pagan name with which christians are familiar, such as: Yaacob [Jacob]. And: Yisrayah [Israel]. In the New Testament you will also see many references back to the Old Testament in [square brackets]. All added words are in [square brackets].

More importantly, there must be substantial other errors present. I am always open to comments regarding a better interpretation of the original languages. A good online scripture tool is at BibleStudyTools.com. Another good one is SacredNameBible.com. Another good online source is BlueLetterBible.org. At these websites you can compare many different versions verse-by-verse, and learn about the Hebrew words.

Please bear with me until this version of the scriptures is fully cleaned up. You are welcome to read and enjoy, just don't condemn me for my errors. I would rather that you help me finish this. If there is any error on this website, big or small, please tell me so I can fix it. I am sure this version of the scriptures is already better than the "normal" versions, simply because you are reading the names of the Creator and Messiyah, instead of satan's titles. It was said that in the last days satan will have deceived the whole world. I am merely trying to avoid some of that. I want a decent version of scriptures to read. You are welcome to share.

I like to read the scriptures literally. I feel if you can't take them at face-value, then there is no reason to read them. Sure, there may be hidden meanings all through, and probably is. But why should I read something which doesn't mean what it says, or has to be 'interpreted' according to some law which is unknown to me? Why should I only be able to understand them if some 'priest' explains them to me? I believe I am as intelligent as most of the rabbis, priests, ministers, etc, out there. I should be able to understand anything they can understand. After all, I assume the scriptures were written for ME, as well as everyone else. They should even be understandable by intellectually-challenged people if they are to help those people, right? So if I can not understand them on my own, how am I to know when some deceitful priest is lying to me?

Why is the most important book of the last thousand years being suppressed by Google? Are they scared of something? Your favorite internet search engine is biased. This website and many others are being hidden and suppressed. That is censorship. If you think it should not be you are welcome to tell them so. But do not expect the situation to change.

What is truth? No one knows for sure. All we can say is that the christians do not teach it! We each have a position based on our personal perspective. New knowledge and experience alters previous perspectives. Someday our perspective will change, and so a previously adamant position will change. And so you can be certain that I will continually add to and change this website as I continue learning.

There is a christian teaching that the catholic scriptures which we have are explicitly "the inspired, infallible, and unerring word of God". But it can not possibly be inerrant (without error). First off, what we have was changed since it was written. I can believe the prophet wrote exactly what he was told, sure. But since then meanings and words and languages have changed. The Names of Yahwah and Yahushua were removed and replaced in thousands of places, and we have to guess when we restore them. The simple fact that the Names of Yahwah and Yahshua were REMOVED from the scriptures proves the christian bible is in error. After that, you can find many places where things were changed or questionably translated in order to deceive. So now all we appear to have is a barely reliable remnant of Yahwah's words to mankind - not the exact words anymore. And maybe that is the source of many of the apparent contradictions in the record? Maybe the record began as infallible, but now it has been marred by humans over the years? I believe if you declare the christian bible is the "infallible word of God", then you set yourself up for defeat, because of all the contradictions you must ignore.

For example, let us take the revered King James Bible version. The first verse says: Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. See! Your bible already lied to you.

I see that the scriptures are written in three parts: history, laws, and prophecy. Yes, I can understand why prophecy is written in fuzzy language, as I explain on my christmas page. But I expect the laws and history to be exactly what I read. What good is it to read a history book that is inaccurate? None.

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